Wiser News

Wiser Wealth Management – Invest Smarter

5-29-09 Wiser Wealth has Lunch at the Swan Coach House

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Today Wiser Wealth took its Widow clients to lunch at the Swan Coach House. These quarterly luncheons started when one of our clients was having a hard time adjusting to the loss of her husband. We decided to put together a lunch with her and another widow client who had slowly adjusted to the change. That lunch went so well that we now try to have quarterly luncheons with all our widow clients. This trip to the Swan Coach House was our second and seems to be a great hit. Our next lunch will be on Friday August 28th. If the client cannot drive, we will pick them up, otherwise, we meet and carpool from our office in downtown Marietta. This is just another example of how Wiser Wealth can add value beyond just money management.

Lady's Luncheon - Swan Coach House, May 2009

Ladies Luncheon - Swan Coach House, May 2009

Written by Casey Smith

May 29, 2009 at 10:28 pm

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